全辩15友情赞助商:协茂纸业(马)有限公司! Hiap Moh is a leading paper merchant in Singapore with s…

[ad_1] 全辩15友情赞助商:协茂纸业(马)有限公司!

Hiap Moh is a leading paper merchant in Singapore with subsidiaries in Malaysia and China. We focus on distributing a wide range of fine quality paper used by our customers across a broad spectrum of applications.

Anchored by our strong distribution network and our global link to suppliers, we are able to reliably and consistently create value to serve our customers’ business growth. We delivered this across our 80 years of history and will continue to do so. We maintain a broad range and a high level of paper inventory to provide just-in-time delivery to our customers. To serve the needs of the different markets we operate in, we market some products under our own brand and distribute mill brands on either an exclusive or non-exclusive distribution arrangement.

Established since 1933 in Singapore, Hiap Moh is headquartered in Singapore with operations in Singapore, Malaysia and China.

#全辩15 #友情赞助商 #协茂纸业
