第十六届全国大专辩论会在此特别感谢 The Porki Society 成为本会的商品赞助商! 您所给予的支持将带领我们迈向另一个高峰! ‘Sawadeek…


第十六届全国大专辩论会在此特别感谢 The Porki Society 成为本会的商品赞助商!

Porki相信,每个人都值得享用一顿美味的餐点。因此,我们致力研磨各种新鲜的食材。除了各色各样让你垂涎三尺的泰式美食,我们的餐点也具备充足的份量,并以实惠的价格欢迎各位贵宾光临我们的餐厅。在此,欢迎大家光临The Porki Society @ Sea Park, PJ 和The Sphere @ Bangsar South! 祝大家有一个愉快的用餐体验。
Oink Oink~’

欲知更多关于 The Porki Society的详情,请浏览其官方脸书专页 https://www.facebook.com/theporkisociety/

We would like to express our greatest gratitude to The Porki Society upon sponsoring The 16th National Varsity Chinese Debate Competition as Benefit In Kind sponsor!

In Porki, we see ourselves as a society that believes in everyone deserves to nourish a good meal. We fashioned this pathway by grinding fresh ingredients all way to reach out the par we set. Serving generous portion alongside with affordable price is a must; to present and welcome everyone into our heavenly affluence. Welcome to The Porki Society @ Sea Park, PJ and The Sphere@Bangsar South! Hope you have a pleasant dining experience.
Oink Oink~''

For more information about The Porki Society ,please visit their official Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/theporkisociety/

#全辩16 #商品赞助商 #theporkisociety

