第十六届全国大专辩论会在此特别感谢 Urcosme成为本会的商品赞助商! 您所给予本活动的支持将带领我们迈向另一个高峰! URCOSME 美妆购物网 提供一…


第十六届全国大专辩论会在此特别感谢 Urcosme成为本会的商品赞助商!


URCOSME 美妆购物网 提供一站式美容及化妆品网上零售服务,带给您最新,最热门,高质素产品,百分百正品保证! UrCosme背后强大的美容团队与各大国际美容产品品牌保证提供最优良的服务给予顾客, 更是紧跟着世界品牌的发展趋势, 持续性提供美容资讯。所有的美容产品100%真材实料, 直接从韩国及台湾进口。Urcosme更是提供最快捷方便的快递服务, 让您在最短时间内签收, 让您美丽一整年! 今天就成为urcosme的用户!欲知更多详情请浏览:https://www.urcosme.com/

We would like to express our greatest gratitude to Urcosme Malaysia upon sponsoring The 16th National Varsity Chinese Debate Competition as Benefit In Kind sponsor!

URCOSME backed by a team of beauty enthusiasts who capture the world's popular brands. We are always strive to delight our customers by bringing premium and high quality authentic products, by keeping up with the current trends.
All of our products are 100% authentic, sourced directly from Korea and local authorized distributors.
We understand the importance of beauty so we are committed to deliver beauty to everyone of you, every order at a time.
To all of you, from all of us at URCOSME – Thank you and Happy Shopping!


#全辩16 #商品赞助商
